There is no free lunch.......
Wayne@APA said...
We've rec'd a bunch of e-mails asking how an individual or business can help us or get more involved in poker in Alaska. We really appreciate your support and assistance with what we are trying to accomplish. Here are few things you can do.....
1. Get involved in our web ideas/concerns/poker thoughts on this blog. Let's create a poker community that will be fun and beneficial for all. The site is new and we can know it can be improved...we are using any spare time we have to work on it. Ideas are always is our area but i know a lot of you are experienced in web design...let us know your thoughts
2. Click on and use our sponsor's banner ads....On our sponsor page we have a Roy Rounder ad where you can sign up for his free newsletter...please do so it is very good! Also many of us buy books etc from time you are buying please access the site from the ad on our home page..we get a percentage from every sale taken that way.
3. Business owners can buy table sponsorship directly from us..we will build a poker table and use your logo on professional top quality felt. Your table will be used at our events including the big ones like Fur Rondy, State Fair etc. I'm sure many of you have seen the tables and will agree they really are stunning...the dyeing process is top quality and unlike the screen printing some people use it will last in beautiful shape. 6 month sponsorship is just $500, 12 month only $900. Please email us if the end of July our current contracts are up and we will be making a new round of tables.
4. Sponsor our events! Donate prizes, we will give your business plenty of "air" time and we are always looking for prizes big or small
5. Join the APA! The cost is just $25 for the whole year. We use the monies we generate to further poker legislation and put on bigger and better events...Our costs are very high and when we travel to Juneau to push our thoughts they obviously get much higher. You will earn points from all our events and sanctioned venues...our top players will play for great end of year prizes including a 2007 $2,500. WSOP seat and $1,000 for travel expenses.
6. Finally just attend our events, pass on the word, improve your game and HAVE FUN!
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