APA U-21 Final Table - The Battle has Begun!!
The cards are in the air at the Final Table of the APA under 21 Poker Series Finale sponsored by Globe Shoes and Bruce's Street & Skate.
The final table seating:
Seat 1 Troy Bissonette Age 15
Seat 2 Donnie Salmon Age 18
Seat 3 Jake Worden Age 15
Seat 4 Aaron Parker Age 14
Seat 5 Chauncey Stigen Age 17
Seat 6 Beau Thibodeau Age 15
Seat 7 Chad Stigen Age 20
Seat 8 Zack Walker Age 14
Seat 9 Cash McGregor Age 10
Seat 10 Greg Plano Age 20
The two youngsters leading the way early!! Aaron and Cash have the chip leads at Level 4. Aaron has shown down numerous pocket pairs including aces and has made a str8 flush up against Cash. Cash recovered his chips by busting two players in consecutive hands!
10th Place Chad Stigen
9th Place Chauncey Stigen
8th Place Jake Worden
7th Place Troy Bissonette
6th Place Beau Thibodeau
Donnie almost down to the felt won a few in a row and then doubled up through Cash and now has a large stack
Donnie's rush continues as he eliminates Zach in 5th place when his AJ off holds up against A5 off.
Four players remain!!
Greg is eliminated in 4th
Cash raises all-in from the button and is called by Donnie. Cash shows A9 and donnie shows AJ. Donnie makes a str8 and our youngest finalist is out in 3rd place
Aaron doubles up through Donnie when his pocket fives hold up against A9 and takes the chip lead
Aaron raises all in with AhKh and donnie calls with A2 off. Aaron makes trip kings and becomes our U-21 Champion!!!
Congrats to Aaron!!!!
We will have a gallery of pictures up on the main site early next week!
Thanks to everyone that made our first U21 poker series such a resounding success!!
Special thanks to our primary sponsors, Globe Shoes & Bruce's Street & Skate
Once again Jerry Deml stepped up and donated one of his, now famous, leather jackets. Jerry is from 49er Real Estate and please, please, please, if any of you have any realtor needs please use him!!
We will be meeting next week to discuss our next poker series and will post as soon as we have any details. As always, if anyone has any suggestions, please let us know!!
Once again, congratulations to all our final table qualifiers and our champion Aaron!!! You all played very well!
Nice story about the U-21 Series in today's MAT-SU paper, The Frontiersman, here's the online link....
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