Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Open Forum....Sound off!!!

Here's a forum for whatever's on your mind!!! post away!!


Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

Raven it WILL happen again! and again and again!! It is just the nature of the beast...Texas Hold'Em. The only thing you can change is how you feel about it and continue to learn to read opponents and situations to the best of your ability and therefore minimize the traps.

Rather than feeling "stupid", if you accept you cannot prepare for every situation and your opponent played's just a case of nice hand sir...and move on! It may sting but that is no reason to feel stupid and even less reason to blow the whole tournament because you went on tilt.

As far as the specific hand, you haven't left very much info to analyze. How was the hand played out? What did you hold, opponent hold, what was the flop, bets etc? By your reaction you obviously lost a big pot or even busted out because of it. The obvious question is, if there is the distinct possibility of a flush (and there was), and you could quite possibly be way behind and even drawing dead, how did so many chips get in the middle?? If the flop was all one suit there is absolutely NO other hand you can be especially proud of. Two pair, a set, a straight, all have to be played with extreme care, if at all! Let us know the details and maybe we can figure out what happened and what you could have done differently.

As far as your question...when you are being rivered a lot it means you have got your chips in each time with the best of it...that is all you can hope for...over time you will win more than you lose. Therefore you are doing something right and apart from the occasional but painful river cards, you will be ahead of the game. I choose "rivered"!!

12:49 AM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

Raven....Now i know why it hurt so much....The guy was a Democrat, right!!! ;)

8:49 PM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

Phish...that is certainly a possibilty we will address as it gets closer. What do the Wasilla players think? Is there a better day than Monday??

4:38 PM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

Good to see you back Sam....but the fishing excuse doesn't quite fly! This is poker, baby!!!

2:59 AM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

With blinds of $800-$1600 with a $200 Ante Brandon's $11,400 is looking vunerable. Come on buddy let's double up!!...Q 8 is golden!!

2:24 PM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

Blinds now $1,200-$2,400 with a $300 ante.

2:30 PM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

Down to 39, Brandon's chip amount has not changed on the reports but he must have gained, as practically all the original people at his first table have busted, including David Levi.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

At the APA office we are all making travel arrangements for the final table tomorrow!! We are feeling confident...come on Brandon!!!

3:10 PM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

Brandon is still in 30 players left!! full coverage over at "going to WSOP??" blog

4:05 PM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

Here are some comments members left on our old blog...please us this one only

Eagle River Bill said...
I enjoyed reading your Vegas play. Will attempt to make a trip myself this year. I did have a poker trip two weeks ago at the Hideout in Fairbanks. They play on Sunday and Monday at 7pm. A good group of players but tough. I was only able to get a sixth place both nights. Sunday I made a bad decision taking my two pair against what I just knew was trips. Monday the cards wern't there. Good food at the bar with the biggest hamburger ever! Bill Burritt from Eagle River.

7/23/2006 10:45 AM

troy said...
the 21 and under tournament shoud run longer

7/23/2006 7:30 PM

Jesse said...
I've been playing alot of online poker this week....And to tell you the truth its real boring sitting in a room by yourself, and typing instead of talking with your fellow poker mates. This brings me to my point. I really do enjoy seeing all your wonderfull faces on Monday nights. So for my sake and your lets all support the APA as much as possible to keep this great legal game going in Alaska.
See ya'll at the final table.

7/23/2006 9:17 PM

Village Rat said...
WAKE UP !!!! We need to support Lake Lucille Lodge.

7/24/2006 12:15 PM

CATFISH said...
Our continued support of APA and Lake Lucille Lodge is needed to ensure that we have a nice place to hold our weekly games.

7/24/2006 12:29 PM

BigBadDan said...
So whats the deal with everyone being so cheap hmmmm? The bestwestern is a much nicer place to play than that other place and you should know where im talking about. So buy some drinks, order a meal, you dont have o drop a 50 or anything just do your part. I dont think 10 bucks will kill anyone who is playing here and if it will you should probably check your priorities. I heard the holliday's are hiring... lets all chip in and make it happen ooooh I used a poker cliche in my post hahaha beat that.

Anchorage Dan

7/24/2006 1:38 PM

Russ said...
Us players deffinatly need to step up and help support APA so we can keep the Venue we have now. Its a good reason to have a drink or two!

7/24/2006 4:02 PM

Jerry49er said...
Congrats!! to the Poker Jacket winners thus far. I appreciate you calling to say "Thanks". Just trying to help the APA and promote my business at the same time. I have about 6 or 7 jackets left so WIN yours now while size selection is still good. Call me with you real estate needs or tell your friends. Thanks!! Jerry at 49er Real Estate. 376-4900.

6:12 PM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

Thanks to all of you...i feel change in the air after listening to your comments

FYI Lake Lucille had a terrible night for revenue last week and are seriously thinking of pulling out. We are instituting some new promos tonight so hopefully they will help do the trick

6:19 PM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

I agree, last night was excellent...people stayed around and there was a great atmosphere at the final table. People are starting to really step up!! The donated prizes were excellent and i'm sure the hotel did some nice business. I loved the painting and i have to get one for the poker school! Thanks to everyone for making a great night!

2:37 PM  
Blogger Alaska Poker Association said...

Thanks "final table" Robbie, that really is a powerful story.

You've always supported us and we are happy we could reciprocate.

See you Monday!

2:12 AM  

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